The office birthday cakes, or doughnuts seem like a thing of the past at the moment, as many of us are home working, but how many times have you actively avoided them with a hope of being good? Ok, so no I’ve never managed it either, but I definitely considered it. What I didn’t know was that when I bought my meal deal at lunch and chose the healthy flavoured water, to go with my BLT sandwich, crisps and chocolate bar, that I was having as much sugar in my drink as a doughnut.
In April 2018, the UK saw the introduction of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB’s) to help combat obesity. Increasing the cost of drinks which have more than 5g per 100 ml and a second levy for drinks with 8g per 100ml or more. Making us think about what we drink and with the increasing introduction of flavoured water, I chose that instead of buying a regular coke.
I wasn’t going to make the switch back to diet coke and the health implications that I suffered, and I actually like the taste of “fat” coke. I’ve tried zero, and even to the point when you get “it’s Pepsi is that ok?” I order something else. There was flavoured waters in the market at the time which was a lifeline. I don’t mind water, I know I need to drink it, it hydrates me especially after exercise, but sometimes I want something that has more taste and hits the spot.
Carefully looking at the ingredients to ensure it doesn’t contain aspartame, I’d pick up a bottle of M&S Lemon & Lime sparkling water as I headed for the train at Marylebone Station, or Volvic Touch of Fruit Lemon & Lime at a service station or airport. Always thinking I was doing the right thing. Water is healthy and good for you, right?
Both brands have since created sugar-free and sweetener version of the drinks but at the time, the 500ml of Volvic’s Touch of Fruit Lemon and Line had 27.5g of sugar, that is equivalent to almost seven teaspoons or 2 Krispy Kreme blueberry filled doughnuts. (1) When I thought I was doing the right thing again, it was actually worse for me.
How many of us read the ingredients or look at the small print when the value isn’t for the whole bag, but for 100 grams, or 100ml. I do have to ask who only drinks part of the bottle of coke or does not empty a bag of peanut M&M’s?
Now I have a choice of 30 water recipes to select from all free from artificial flavours, sweeteners, additives with the LUQEL Water Station, but all offering great tasting water that I can trust in.

The great news is the clever engineers at LUQEL have found a way to deliver pure H2O, with no added sugars, colouring or artificial sweeteners. This is through a multi-stage filtration process, and adding in compound minerals to create the great taste. You can read our Taste Journey which goes into more detail on the process.
Reassuringly some technology does work and thanks to BAV institute (an accredited contract laboratory for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies) for testing our water station over a three month period to examine the microbiological colonies in the dispensed water, and confirming that no germs, E-Coli, bacteria or microplastic and nanoplastics were detected in any of the water samples. Eliminating all doubt that the clear liquid from the LUQEL Water Station is a clear liquid and safe to drink. Pure H20 doesn’t have a taste, smell or colour, so adding mineral compounds back into the water is essential, LUQEL can share in our secret to drinking great tasting pure mineralised water.

LUQEL is a pioneer in water technology, its’ mission is to radically change the way people drink water to make a lasting difference. Visionary innovations make plastic superfluous. With our perfect purification process, individual mineralisation, ‘smart’ bottles and the digitalised eco-system, our products turn tap water into a whole new level of water enjoyment, “Water as individual as you are”.